Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the benefits of using ShopLinkr?

There are many things that can save you a lot of time when using ShopLinkr. For example, you never have to manually adjust your inventory everywhere again. You can bundle products so that inventory is always correct everywhere. You can also create smart and efficient pick & pack lists, saving you a lot of time during the packing process. Send us an email and we'll look at the possibilities together.

Can I get help setting up my account or receiving an explanation?

Sure! Just send us an email and we'll make sure you get the right help. We can also schedule a demo call where we'll explain everything about how the system works. If you have any questions afterwards, we'll be happy to help you!

What does "Pay as you go" mean?

We use the "pay as you go" principle. This means that you pay for what you use. For example, if you have a slow month with few orders, you will pay less. We really look at each order and not, for instance, per 1,000 orders. So you always pay the correct price and never too much.

Is there a limit to the number of products?

No, as many products are imported as you have.

How come your prices are so low?

From our experience in practice, we have seen that many order management systems are very expensive and were unaffordable for us at that time. We then started developing our own system, always keeping in mind that it should be affordable and interesting to everyone.